Wednesday, 11 March 2009

My gusto for Guiness cake and learning photography

I'm excited to have found this inspiring page Makes me think is not that impossible to become a good photographer when you have the passion for it and nothing else. Especially now that I've got my brand new toy to learn to get the best out of, this is quite encouraging news. I am getting better at using my new DSLR now i've wattched DVD tutorial that came with it, more confident shall we say!..
As for how gulity but delighted I feel to have tried a yummy Guiness and chocolate cake while at work today, well..., I'm short for words!
Nigella's guiness cake has hot even more fans now!One of them definitely being me!YUMMYYYY!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Creating connects! Turning 30 is fantastic!

I simply can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I last blogged! So many nice things happened and so many people I've seen, that one post will not be enough to mention them all! And most important!..I've turned 30! Wow!
My creative side has been busy playing with fabric and canvas and creating all these cuties that I'm going to use as my creative journals documenting moments that matter! I've also played with canvas and made a quiltlet that I'm very proud of. Here it is. I'm happy that I've allowed myself to be so creative lately. Ok, I admit, I was inspired by this lovely lady but I have adapted the ideas filtering them through my own artistic sieve.
The reason I say that CREATING CONNECTS is because very recently I've digitally concoted my invites for my Romanian birthday party with so much
artistic flame and enjoyment that I strongly believe made a difference for my guests to receive them. The invites were the real soul of my party! I say that because my crafted invites were mentioned many times by my family and friends! This made me realise that injecting creativity into my life is just the thing to do more often! I took so much joy in seeing people made happy by a nicely decorated piece of card!
Another inspiring person in my life since married life, along with my very accurately creative hubby is my 'adoptive mother' as I like to call her who made me yet another exquisitely beautiful birthday cake into which she put so much artistic fuel and love and made me such a flattering surprise on my birthday warm-up house party, bringing this pure piece of art which I felt really bad cutting and eating.
I'm so glad I found my artistic identity just as I turned 30! It feels fantastic!