Te-am numit 'miez' (in graiul celtic), si ce bine te-am numit! - tu esti miezul nostru, esenta de iubire, intruchiparea in carne si oase a fericirii de a fi parinte.Te cheama Enya, ne cheama 'mama' si 'tata' ne-am nascut ca parinti odata cu nastrea ta pe 5 noiembrie 2010, crestem ca parinti odata cu cresterea ta - e o calatorie plina de fluturi, ursuleti, zambete, imbratisari, pupicuri si bucurii simple dar mari, e un drum pe care ne place atat de mult sa il parcurgem tinindu-te de mana, iar tu tinandu-ne inimile in palmele tale mici si calde! Copilul din tine este perfect - asa cum inetelg eu fiinta creata de bunul Dumnezeu, candida, delicata si plina de iubire neconditionata, fiinta mica - ne-ai renascut prin aparitia ta si prin ochii tai mari si vioi ne uitam la sufletul tau frumos si deschis catre multa iubire! Palmutele tale sunt ca aripioarele unui fluturas vesel si chipul tau e ca o floricica ce zambeste soarelui cu inocenta! Glasul tau suna ca un clopotel de jucarie, iar cand razi parca mii de zane ne danseaza la ureche!
Piciorusele tale mici si moi ca niste mini pernute pasesc acum din ce in ce mai sigur si iata-te mica printesa Enya la un anisor! Daca e sa ne punem o dorinta pentru tine - aceea e dragoste si sanatate si fericire multa toata viata - sa te bucuri de viata iubind si fiind iubita intotdeauna - asa ca acum - noi ca mami si tati ne simtim binecuvantati prin existenta ta - si asta iti oferim din plin - acum si mereu - iubire nemarginita si ocrotire, iar promisiunea pe care ti-o facem este sa fim cat mai buni parinti si sa iti dam tot ceea ce depinde de noi ca si cresti frumos si sa fii un om minunat! Si tu esti deja un copil minunat!
We named you ‘kernel’ (Enya=kernel in Celtic) and so well we did naming you! You are our essence, Happiness embodied of becoming your parents.
Your name is Enya, our names are your ‘Mummy’ and ‘Daddy’ since you were born on the 5th November 2010 and on your birth we were also born - as your parents and we grow as parents at the same time with you! It’s a journey dotted with butterflies, teddies, smiles, cuddles, kisses and simple but great joy, it’s a road we so much love to walk on holding hands with you while you hold our hearts in your tiny warm hands! The child in you is perfect – just as we would picture dear God’s human creation - candid, delicate and unconditionally loving; you – our little girl – made us feel we were born again when you appeared and through your big vivid eyes we look at your beautiful soul open to lots of love! Your little hands are like the wings of a cheerful butterfly and your little face - like a flower that innocently smiles to the sun! Your voice jingles like a toy-bell and when you laugh it’s as if thousands of fairies are dancing past our ears!
Your wee, soft feet like small cushions, now toddle more and more confidently and there you are little princess Enya 1 year young! And if we are to make a wish for you – that is lifelong Love and good Health and Happiness - may you always embrace life loving and being loved – just like now. Both of us feel blessed through your existence – and it’s this that we offer you – infinite love and protection, and the promise we want to make to you is to be as best parents as we can be and give you everything that we can for you to grow beautifully and be a wonderful person! And you already are a wonderful little person!