Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Post -Halloween pumpkin pleasure

Although Halloween's been and gone, there one thing that still gets me reminiscent of it - the c u p c a k e pictures that I made the day before, when I baked my first cupcakes using a pumpkin that I then carved into this. I can't believe 'what a piece of cake' it was to make something that looks and tastes so nice. It's quite a pleasant surprise they came out so yummy and pretty on my first attempt. I would have kept them all for myself (as I'm a cake-oholic) but the trick-or-treaters were knocking at the door, nevermind, 42 cakes wasn't bad at all, plenty for everyone, including work. I used a recipe I compiled from online, but I saved it for next year, when I hope I'll also find some themed candies to go on top, it had to be orange smarties this time. Anyway , I'm a big fan of (home-made) cupcakes now!

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